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Protect rural & wild Florida, urge a veto

The future of Florida’s rural communities, wild lands, water quality and endangered species all hang in the balance with the fate of Florida’s Roads to Ruin – the massive toll roads project being pushed by many of the most powerful, big money special interests in the state, and Florida’s GOP leadership beholden to their campaign checks.

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Did your legislator get an A…or an F?

In the 2020 Florida legislative session, who did your state legislators stand up for? Did they cast their votes on behalf of the people…or powerful special interests? Find out with our just released People First Report Card.

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Vote like your life depends on it

As we gear up for November in the midst of the COVID-19 health crisis, we want to make sure Floridians can vote without any obstacles. That’s why we created a one stop shop to make voting in Florida secure, convenient, and easy at

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Tell Gov. DeSantis: Fix this “sh– sandwich”

In 2011, then-Governor Rick Scott and his allies in the state legislature gutted Florida’s Unemployment Insurance system. Thanks to their actions, Florida has some of the weakest unemployment benefits and strictest eligibility rules in the nation.

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5 ways to stay engaged while stuck at home

Just because we’re stuck at home and dealing with new challenges doesn’t mean we can’t still make a difference. Please take a few minutes to do one or more of these five things and then share this video to help others take action themselves.

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Health care workers need protection NOW

Health care workers here in Florida and across the nation are fighting to bring this coronavirus outbreak under control and protect the health of millions of Americans. We must have their back. Take action and call your member of Congress at 844-898-1199.

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Everyone who needs a test should get a test

Join us in sending a message to Assistant Secretary for Health Admiral Brett Giroir, the new head of coronavirus testing response, telling him to immediately adopt a plan to make sure that everyone who needs a test gets a test in the next seven days. Send your message now.

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Silencing Florida voters

Since 1968, Floridians have organized, put on the ballot, and voted to pass constitutional amendments to improve our state when the Florida Legislature refused to act. Now, some members of the GOP leadership in the legislature want to make it nearly impossible for anyone other than the legislature or the very wealthy to bring constitutional amendments before Florida voters.

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