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Stop taking power from Floridians

For more than 50 years, Floridians have used the citizen initiative process to pass popular policies when the leadership of the Florida Legislature refused to listen. Florida voters have approved citizen led changes to our state Constitution that legalized medical marijuana, restored voting rights, increased the state’s minimum wage and banned offshore oil drilling.

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1 in 3 Florida COVID deaths happened here

SB 72 and HB 7005 sponsored by Sen. Jeff Brandes (R-St. Petersburg) and Rep. Colleen Burton (R-Lakeland), let negligent nursing homes off the hook, providing liability immunity protections and severely weakening our ability to hold nursing home owners accountable for negligence that harms those in their care.

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Florida just got a big boost from President Biden

I don’t need to tell you the last year has been extraordinarily tough for Floridians – but serious, substantial help is finally on the way. Today, Democrats in Congress passed President Biden’s American Rescue Plan – providing $1.9 trillion in badly-needed COVID relief for our state and our nation.

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This is The People’s Response

Today is the first day of Florida’s 2021 legislative session. Gov. DeSantis just delivered his annual State of the State address. That’s why we just premiered “The People’s Response,” a video featuring a diverse group of everyday Floridians and progressive champions in the Legislature who are putting forward a people first agenda for our state.

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Criminalize peaceful protest: Florida’s top priority?

Gov. DeSantis’s top legislative priority going into the 2021 legislative session isn’t a jobs bill, it isn’t to improve our schools, or combat COVID, but to push legislation that would criminalize peaceful protests – House Bill 1 (it’s “1” for a reason.)

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1 million infected – time for leadership

Florida’s COVID-19 infection rates continue to rise with more than one million confirmed infections and more than 19,000 dead in Florida since February due in no small part to the failed leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis.

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$20 billion for…new toll roads?

An overwhelming 93% of public comments during the recent toll road task force meetings opposed the roads. And, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Florida’s budget is projected to be a whopping $2.7 billion dollars short. With a massive hole in our state budget, it’s more important than ever to urge state lawmakers to slam the brakes on these Roads to Ruin.

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