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UF, stop muzzling professors

Florida’s flagship university has been engulfed in controversy following reports the school prevented three professors from testifying as expert witnesses in a lawsuit against the administration of Gov. DeSantis.

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Where o’ where is Sen. Rubio?

Senator Rubio has been in office for more than a decade now, but based on his voting record in Washington, it’s unclear what he’s actually done for Floridians.

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Health care, pandemic, and you

Under the American Rescue Plan, President Biden has made it even easier to get health insurance by extending access to silver plans for no cost to anyone who has received unemployment assistance in the last year.

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Florida families – check your bank accounts

Today, 3 million Florida families will start to see child tax credit payments hit their bank accounts. It’s part of the American Rescue Plan, which was delivered by President Biden and Congressional Democrats to get the economy back on track and rebuild the middle class.

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Gov. DeSantis raised your taxes

Near midnight on April 19, with no cameras around or staged fanfare, he signed into law a new tax that will cost Florida consumers an estimated $1 billion a year. And instead of using this new revenue to help Floridians get health care coverage, build affordable housing, cleanup polluted waterways, or improve neighborhood schools, DeSantis’ new law uses the new taxes we will all now pay to cut taxes for wealthy corporations.

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