The future of Florida’s rural communities, wild lands, water quality and endangered species all hang in the balance with the fate of Florida’s Roads to Ruin – the massive toll roads project being pushed by many of the most powerful, big money special interests in the state, and Florida’s GOP leadership beholden to their campaign checks.
The future of Florida’s rural communities, wild lands, water quality and endangered species all hang in the balance with the fate of Florida’s Roads to Ruin – the massive toll roads project being pushed by many of the most powerful, big money special interests in the state, and Florida’s GOP leadership beholden to their campaign checks.
One of those leaders, Gov. DeSantis, has a chance to do the right thing and veto a bad “growth management” bill (SB 410) that would encourage development along rural corridors impacted by the Roads to Ruin, formally known as M-CORES, and we need you to join the groundswell of Floridians calling for a veto of this bill.
Please call Gov. DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and/or email him at to request his veto of Senate Bill 410.
SB 410 promotes unsustainable development in communities along the Roads to Ruin by giving preferential treatment for state grant money to locations near an M-CORES interchange. The public has shown overwhelming opposition to these proposed toll roads and we need to keep that momentum going by pushing back against SB 410.
SB 410 would limit local governments’ ability to manage growth and protect rural areas from development, threatening critical buffers for our wild lands, waterways, and wildlife.
Please call Gov. DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and email him at to request his veto of SB 410.
When you call or write Gov. DeSantis you can simply say:
“As a Florida voter and taxpayer, I urge you to veto SB 410, a terrible that will Undermine the authority of many county governments to protect rural areas from development, even if voters approved that protection.”
SB 410 is another step toward spending upwards of $20 billion on disastrous toll roads that will encourage sprawling development, threaten farmlands, drive wildlife further toward extinction, and destroy much of what remains of wild and rural Florida.
Thanks for fighting alongside us to stop these Roads to Ruin,
Mark and the Progress Florida team